Czech National Youth Agency, National Agency for European Educational Programs (NAEP) has announced a photo competition for young photographers (13 – 30 years) within European Youth Week and European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

Basically the aim of competition is motivate those, who travelled around Europe and to share their best moments showing:

1. Multicultural Europe
2. Creativity and innovation in the Europeans’ life..

I have decided as well to participate (just for fun 😉 ) and show the EU what my plastic camera can do 😳 .

Every participant was allowed to submit 6 pictures (3 in each category).

My pictures are very ordinary, but it seems that somebody appreciated them 😳

1. Multicultural Europe

Colorful freedom

Sunny weather in Stockholm

On the way to Amsterdam

2. Creativity and innovation in the Europeans’ life..

All in one

Ice Hotel

Scandinavian Venice

The ceremony of awarding the best photos will be held tomorrow (6.11) in Prague and the pitty is that I cannot be there to take my 1st place 😛 – yeaaaahh my very first photo award i :mrgreen: .

I don’t know in which category and which is the winning spot, because they told me that is very confidential and they don’t want to make publicly before the ceremony…I have really no idea which is the choosed one, you decided 😉