I will be honest (most probably for the first time on this blog) I was really excited when I got a call from a friend if I am interested joining him for conducting a test drive in a Tesla Model S. Excited, because this was actually my first ever test-drive in a +100K $ car (of course I have driven other more expensive cars in the past, however they were “test-driven” for the purpose of being stolen, rather than for the purpose of enjoying them as in the case of this Tesla ๐Ÿ™‚ ).
Also I was excited, since I was looking forward to driving like a maniac (read like Clarkson) for a very long time .

This post as usually will be a serious one, since I am a serious person, NOT ๐Ÿ˜€ . There are thousands of serious reviews of the Tesla Model S which I can google them for you and keep you satisfied with boring facts, e.g. how many Teslas caught fire ๐Ÿ™‚ .

Below I will just share my amateur statistical simulations (read “feelings”) about the experience of driving/touching/smelling/hearing a Tesla Model S.

First impressions
– First of all you get some hugs and kisses from the Tesla sales representative (however these days you can get such a treatment even at the Swedish dealer for the Chinese car brand such as Fuqi).

– Then you realize that finally there is a car brand which belongs to the XXI-century, which surprisingly is not coming from the UK or Germany. Everything experienced about Tesla (not only the car itself) indeed looks from the future (or should be part of nowadays as the Tesla representative stated).
1. As an example is the registration before conducting the test-drive. Forget about filling any paper forms or leaving your wife as a guarantee as in the case of conducting test-drives at BMW or Mercedes. You are given a tablet and you are just requested to answer if you are allergic to electricity or fast acceleration.

2. Another example is the customer approach and care for the environment. No, Tesla does not have any paper brochures, however they are sending you a digital one, immediately after your registration in the magical tablet.

Next impressions:
1. All Tesla Model S come in white colour, however you are giving the opportunity to pick whatever colour you want for the shirts which they also sell in the store. Unfortunately this information was not confirmed by the Tesla sales representative.

2. Even though the Tesla logo can be misleading and give you the impression that you will deal with the quality level of a TATA or TRABANT, actually the level of attention to detail is very good. Expensive is not the word you will use for describing a Tesla, but in the end you do not buy a Tesla because of the leather stitching or the Alcantara smell. You buy it, because it is innovative. For sure it has lower quality than the latest Mercedes S-klasse, however it has a very nice trimmed interior, nice leather and Alcantara combination, all buttons from Mercedes, Aluminum interior door handles and no cheap plastic.

Driving Impressions
Tesla Stockholm dealer in Tรคby Centrum has usually couple of cars available for test-driving.
After a little bit of begging and trying some Moldavian tricks we were given the chance to test the most interesting Model S – 85 kWยทh Performance.

Tesla’s parking lot in Tรคby Shopping Centrum

1 client drove all the way from Norway to charge his car ๐Ÿ™‚

“Our car”

Tesla Model S automatically turns on the lights when sees/feels/smels a Moldavian around

The key is black, even though the car is red ๐Ÿ˜€

The most fascinating about Tesla as a car is the acceleration, the immediate acceleration. Reaching 100km/h in just ~4 sec is something astonishing, especially in a such a simple way as the P85 Performance version does. Of course we have never exceeded the speed limits, below is the evidence from driving with max. 100km/on the high-way ๐Ÿ˜€

Other impressive experience is the intuitive approach of using it super-mega-ultra-huge-display.

Anyhow, Tesla was fun, friendly, informative and environmentally friendly. I’m officially a fan now, ALMOST ๐Ÿ˜€ .