Trip to Santa World
06 Jan 2015 | Travelling
As you may know Santa Claus is also known as the world’s most generous home-invasion artist. He bears gifts to millions of people around the world on Christmas day for a small fee.
Most of the people around 30-40 years old begin to doubt and even deny the existence of Santa. Since I have finally reached this magical age, I thought why not taking my brother, his wife and their lovely daughter Emilia for a short 800km trip to Santa World, which is presumably the permanent Santa’s residence according to Swedish Tax Authorities.
Santa World or Tomteland as the local vikings are calling this place, is the Swedish response to the much famous Finish version of Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi. Most probably the Swedish Tourist Office could not convince the Swedish blond ladies to demonstrate their skills as well during the winter, so they came up back in the 1984 with the idea of creating a wonderland where Santa Claus alleged moved from North Pole.
Santa World is located near Gesundaberget just south of Mora in Dalarna. Please notice that most of Stureplan residents in Stockholm will most probably need Google Maps to find Dalarna, a very detailed map to locate Mora and most probably a compass to find the exact position of Gesundaberget.
Living the jokes aside, this post will be a serious one for people who believe that Santa exists.
If by any mistake you are in Sweden during Christmas for approx. 1 week, then I would recommend to organize a 1 day trip to Santa World, which is approx. 300-350km far from Stockholm.
Stockholm during Christmas is not always invaded by snowflakes, so conducting a trip to the snowy hills of Santa World near Mora is definitely recommended.
Our trip contained the following details:
– left Stockholm at around 09:00
– took the high-way towards Gävle, which is approx. 50km longer than the route via secondary roads, however we believe it is faster and more comfortable.
– from Gävle to Falun there are many portions of 2-lanes roads in each direction, which makes the trip even faster
– we reached Santa World at 12:45, however it is possible to arrive even earlier, since we had few stops and a quick snack on the way.
– from 13:00 till 16:00 we had plenty of time to visit all the beautiful places in the park, including feeding the reindeer, having long and amusing discussions with Santa, attending different theater scenes and enjoying a lunch at the local cafeteria.
Quick interview with Santa about his age and his wife(s)
Already from the first encounter with Santa we were very pleased with his sense of humor, openness, but also with his substantial body mass, as he confirmed that that he spends the majority of his time eating milk and cookies in order to prepare his body for a long night during Christmas.
However, Santa Claus is an active opponent of obesity, and actually spends the majority of his time exercising. There are no pictures of him in peak physical condition, but Mr. Claus has claimed that he is “essentially a white Michael Jordan” 🙂 .
Feel free to enjoy a small photo gallery and let me know if you have any questions about this trip
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