Well, it’s that time again — time to start rolling out this year’s resolutions. Some of us will vow to eat less, exercise more, live in the moment, be more grateful.

I promised my self to do a favor in 2015 – spend more time on the not-to-do lists. Strategy is the art of sacrifice. Our time is a treasure to be invested. Creating a list of things that you are not going to do, allows you to invest more of your treasured time on the few things that matter the most.

After spending good time over the past months with my parents, grandparents, but also with good mates who have exceeded the age of 70 years, I can conclude that they always talk about 2 things most meaningful in life:
A. Do not relax – Live an active and rich life full of personal experiences.
By not relaxing they do not mean not resting, not at all 🙂 . It is so impressive to hear stories like “I was skydiving for the last 40 years and at the same time and I was doing horse-back riding”.

B. Fulfill your wishes – Make sure you act even on the simplest wishes. Do not over-complicate them.
I went yesterday to a Car Premiere event in Stockholm, where most of the attendees where people above ~70 years. There I met Arne who was 74 years old and who came at the event to subscribe for a racing training. He simply told me “Oh, at the beginning of this week I was thinking about the idea of improving my driving skills and here I am”.

Do not get me wrong, I do like to have family related resolutions, professional resolutions, however besides them in 2015 and hopefully onward 🙂 I will make sure to take more clear actions on those simple wishes, which in fact become truly experiences of a lifetime.

For the moment I have 3 simple wishes for 2015, which actually date back from my childhood 🙂 :

1. Travel as much as possible and if feasible even to the “end of the world” – unfortunately I did not know in my childhood where is the end of the world (perhaps due to Communistic censorship), so for the time being, let’s assume that “end of the world” is Canada 😀 .

By travelling I do not mean only the experience of seeing new places and new people. I especially enjoy seeing my family, friends in these new places.

2. Educate my self continuously in the hobbies I enjoy the most – Realistically I will not become a car designer or engineer this year, so for the time being I have just signed for a proper photography course.

3. Attend a truly international car fair – as simple as it sounds, however not even my 4 passports were a good reason to travel in the past to
International Motor Show in Frankfurt or Geneva Motor Show or Paris Motor Show.

In the next post I will write more on accomplishing these simple wishes and I can promise you that the days around these events will be filled in nicely. I also promise you that you’ll have something to look forward to and the life that happens during your vacations will be precious.