I usually do not write about visited castles, palaces, fortresses etc. – it’s boring for me and most probably for the reader 😀 (yes, most probably this blog has one reader – my brother when fixing all blog bugs).

However yesterday I took one of my favourite shots in long time and coincidentally it was inside a palace – Häringe Palace, about 40 KM South of Stockholm.

Forget about the photo quality, light, editing etc. just look how busy it is 🙂 :
– somebody is dancing with a dog, which is actually hold by another somebody
– somebody is walking in circles
– somebody is giving the evil eye to the amateur photographer

I guess I shall sell it to the owners of Häringe Palance 🙂 , however they already have quite an impressive gallery.

I recommend visiting this place, since it is quite unique:
– It has Sweden’s oldest swimming pool
– You will find also Sweden’s oldest bowling alley from the 1930’s.
– The serve probably one of the best Afternoon Tea in Stockholm.