Marriage versus PhD.
27 Mar 2010 | Blog
18 May 2008 | Blog &Life in Stockholm &University life
During the past week there were not so many gay events in Stockholm, except the Quarnevalen 🙂 .
Quarnevalen is kind of Scandinavian Rio de Janeiro carnival, the only difference is that you don’t see nicely dressed Brasilian ladies, but strange Swedish students from Royal Institute of Technology, still there were some exceptions 😉 :
09 Dec 2007 | Blog
The new design is entirely created by Pavel Ciorici© – the holder/creator of one of the most visited blogs in Moldova and of course my little brother. Every code was written individually by Pavel.
Hope you like it!
Don’t forget Ctrl+F5!
Soon we will update sub menu About.
Wait for your comments, suggestions, remarks and critiques.
p.s. I recommend watching the site in Mozilla, because in IE is very possible, that there are some bugs.
p.p.s The Comrade on the left side is our lovely president who very soon will be replaced, if you don’t like him, recommend a person to put on my wall 😉 .
14 Sep 2007 | Blog
September – time for analyzing achievements for the first 3 quarters. During this year I can compare myself to an ASEAN economy. It’s difficult to say that I was growing 14% for the first 3/4 of the year 😀 , but anyway it was a fast personal, academic and familiar growth.
Without any headaches after Новый год it is a pleasure to start to prepape for the state exam and defence of Bachelor Thesis at University of Economics, ПРАГА.
17th of January – Bachelor Thesis defence, excellent, but no time for emotions, because on 18th time to take the state exam from Mezinárodní Obchod. After the exam finally free and ready to celebrate with people who where looking for a long time to get me друнк. It was really a soul celebration with different types of juices.
January was really the month of possitive emotions, because finally a had the chance to be next to my family and celebrate my fathers birthday.
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