Prague – November
05 Dec 2009 | Life in Prague
24 Dec 2007 | Life in Prague
It’s an honor to study in the Czech Republic, being part of local culture, share the traditions, but sometimes I don’t clearly understand their traditions and customs. I really adore Christmas atmosphere, decoration, snow, good mood, nice people in public transportation and how every employee of different shops, banks, post offices wishes me “Veselé Vánoce”. It’s a pity that I am already out of the Czech Republic and I didn’t have the chance to enjoy the streets of snow and how Czechs really enjoy staying in queues for Christmas presents 😉 . Speaking about customs and traditions, is it there somebody who is able to explain me the tradition of staying in the queues for at least 30 minutes, when outside is -10C and to buy carp? I like carp, but I don’t like freezing in the queue 🙂 . Before leaving Prague I have visited 5 places where authorized people were selling fish. Everybody were selling dead fish :- )!!! , so what’s the sense of buying dead fish, cleaning it at home, putting some salt and frosting it for 2 days? Come on friends, go to Cesco, ohh sorry to Tesco 😀 and buy how much fish you want whenever you want without freezing in the queue….or maybe you enjoy them 😉 .
In United States of Moldova everything is OK, a lot of snow and no queues in the shops, not because we don’t have money for presents, or we don’t like carp 😀 , it’s just we celebrate Christmas (Crăciunul ) on the 7th of January. Until then wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
24 Dec 2007 | Life in Prague
Living in Prague is like an American Dream, you can do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do with whom you want. Prague is known worldwide for the quality of its beer, some visitors are surprised to discover that Prague also has a thriving a marijuana culture. Prague has the potion of happiness: no guns, lots of beer and lots of weed.
14 Dec 2007 | Life in Prague
The year 2007 is almost leaving us, streets are full of snow, people really enjoy staying in queues for Christmas presents, Santa is on his way from Kyrgyzstan and also is time to complete together with the most active members of MD community in PRG the main financial statements. As it was expected everybody came without pencils, papers and scientific calculators and again we were in the situation of doing nothing just to analyze the benefits of the Lisbon agreement, tasting the Australian beer and some bloody Irish whisky. At least Axik as a loyal consumer of that brand received some gifts.
04 Dec 2007 | Life in Prague
Maybe you remember the post Where is the mistake? which was written 4 months ago. Can you believe, finally after 4 months!!!our lovely ČSOB Banka solved my problem “Server Error in ‘/’ Application”. Below you can find the email from Specialista Jan Vecek.
“Vážený kliente,
nasadili jsme opravu, která by měla řešit problém “Server Error in ‘/’ Application” se kterým jste se obrátil na náš Helpdesk EB. Omlouváme se, že řešení trvalo poměrně dlouho. Pokud by se chyba opakovala nebo by se objevil jiný problém, tak nás neváhejte kontaktovat.
Informace kde zveřejňujeme plánované odstávky a aktuální stav služeb elektronického bankovnictví naleznete na tomto odkazu: icke-bankovnictvi/Provozni-informace.htm.Děkuji
S pozdravem
Jan Vecek
specialista Helpdesk EB
Československá obchodní banka, a. s.
Helpdesk ELB
Nerudova 18
500 02 Hradec Králové
Česká Republika”
All I want to say is : Thank a lot Chonzo and to your team, for being a good specialista, taking care of your “Vážený kliente” and helping me to open a new account at KB 😉 .
20 Oct 2007 | Life in Prague
Preluez mesajul lui Vlad
Când a fost? vineri, 19 octombrie 2007, la ora 17:00 (cineva a crezut ca va fi la 19:00 la Národní Divadlo 🙂 )
Unde a fost? incinta Ambasadei, Na Zátorce 12, 160 00 Praha 6 – Bubeneč
De ce ne-am întâlnit? Pentru a face cunoştinţă cu studenţii şi a se cunoaşte studenţii între ei (nota redacţiei: totuşi urmează data viitoare să ne cunoaştem mai bine), pentru că am discutat problemele existente şi posibilitatea Ambasadei de a se implica în rezolvarea lor, pentru ca nu am fost atât de mulţi acolo şi ar pe viitor alături de şeful nostru’ – Sergiu Leahomschi ar trebui să fim mai uniţi.
Din numele tuturor studenţilor mulţumim organizatorilor (în special secretarului III ) pentru efort, iniţiativă şi aşteptăm o nouă întâlnire.
Continuare »
21 Sep 2007 | Life in Prague &Music
21 Sep 2007 | Life in Prague
Thanks to Iura we had the chance to try out the v.i.p. seats at Slavic/Slavonic Miss 2007 organized in Prague. There were some nice persons with long hair except those who in the below photos 🙂 .
Video here.