Birthday boys
09 May 2015 | Life in Stockholm &Personal
26 Apr 2015 | Life in Stockholm &Photography
I usually do not write about visited castles, palaces, fortresses etc. – it’s boring for me and most probably for the reader 😀 (yes, most probably this blog has one reader – my brother when fixing all blog bugs).
However yesterday I took one of my favourite shots in long time and coincidentally it was inside a palace – Häringe Palace, about 40 KM South of Stockholm.
Forget about the photo quality, light, editing etc. just look how busy it is 🙂 :
– somebody is dancing with a dog, which is actually hold by another somebody
– somebody is walking in circles
– somebody is giving the evil eye to the amateur photographer
I guess I shall sell it to the owners of Häringe Palance 🙂 , however they already have quite an impressive gallery.
I recommend visiting this place, since it is quite unique:
– It has Sweden’s oldest swimming pool
– You will find also Sweden’s oldest bowling alley from the 1930’s.
– The serve probably one of the best Afternoon Tea in Stockholm.
08 Jun 2014 | Life in Stockholm
The process of applying for Swedish citizenship is quite straightforward, as long you are married or sambo/mambo/särbo/tango with a member of the Royal Family, like me or at I least I saw the queen once, which makes me quite relative to her, I hope 🙂 .
The process according to my excellence is quite straightforward, especially after experiencing the application process for the Czech, Romanian, Transylvanian, Transnistrian, Tongan, Togolese, Tunisian, Tanzanian citizenship or in any other countries or wannabe countries starting with a “T”.
In Sweden you usually apply for the citizenship after 5 years of slavery for any of the soon to be bankrupt companies or after 2 years of 50:50 way of living with a Swedish partner. I do not know what is “50:50 way of living”, I just heard on the news 😀 .
Assessment of the application from the submission date till final decision usually takes 7-9 months.
In my case it took exactly 7 months, because I was nice to Migrationsverket.
In a straight line the process looks like this:
1. You submit the application and a copy of your passport (preferably not a fake one)
2. You wait 7 months
3. After 7 months they will contact you to send the original of your passport (preferably not the fake one)
4. You will get the passport back in max. 1 week
5. In approx. 1-2 weeks you will get the official decision, which could positive, negative or a positive decision with minor corrections like changing your hair colour to blonde, starting wearing red paints, lather jackets etc.
The citizenship confirmation looks like this
After receiving the citizenship, you can easily apply for the Swedish passport, which gives you the privilege to travel to IKEA without a visa.
17 May 2014 | Life in Stockholm &Made in MD
Stefanet Brothers Orchestra & Geta Burlacu performed in Stockholm, 15th of May 2014 at Musikaliska.
The concert was part of EXPERIENCE MOLDOVA a project offering a taste of Moldovan musical culture & wine!
Full photo gallery is available here.
26 Apr 2014 | Life in Stockholm &Photography
Songkran is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year’s Day.
Few photos from the Songkran festival celebrated at Wat Santiniwas temple in Haninge, Stockholm.
More photos here.
20 Jan 2013 | Life in Stockholm &Made in MD
Family photo in front of BelgoBaren based on the requirement from the central party of Republic of Moldova.
20 Dec 2012 | Dining &Life in Stockholm
In Sweden, unlike most other Countries (real countries, not like Transnistria, Skåne etc.), the main part of Christmas is not celebrated on December 25th, but on December 24th, Christmas Eve (in Swedish “Julafton”).
But let me take it from the beginning, since this year I was very careful at documenting it.
25 Aug 2012 | Dining &Life in Stockholm
Blasieholmens Akvarium och Restaurang or simply B.A.R. is a lively restaurant with an amazing atmosphere, where the fishes are written on a mirror together with their origin, so there is no doubt what you eat 🙂 .
You pick your fish from either the mirror or from the ice disc where you can point with a finger what you want 😉 . Many sidedishes, dips, souces, salads, good choice of wine.
If you visit Stockholm, make sure to have at least one dinner here.
Jana & Jakub amazed by the moves of the alive fishes 🙂
14 Jul 2012 | Life in Stockholm
Echo of 3 monkeys in Kårstaviken reserve
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